All posts in: Kirk Cameron

11 Mar 2012

Thought Catalog Roundup

My life with Thought Catalog in it has gotten exponentially better.


So you probably think I’m lazy for directing you to a list of Thought Catalog posts instead of writing my own. And you’re right – kind of. It’s not laziness, it’s the fact that writing original posts takes a long time y’all! It’s that time again – final weeks already, can you believe it? And I’m already on a strict studying schedule (yeah, right) so I can’t just whip open the lap top and crank out a post every hour or so. However, I enjoyed reading these posts and I think you will too.

It’s great for reflecting on your lazy Sunday, but if you’re like me and need a time waster then this is totally going to make you waste time.

You’re welcome.

11 Mar 2012

Kirk Cameron, Who Are You Really?


Kirk Cameron is totally entitled to his own views. I just get so confused watching these videos because I don’t think anyone ever saw this coming from him. His own co-stars from Growing Pains are actually shocked by his recent statements on gay marriage.
