All posts in: Lauren Singer

07 May 2017

Lauren Singer Is A Better Person Than All Of Us

Today was a very productive blogging day. One reason why I love Sundays is because I’m always trying to look for content that teaches me something and I think it’s a good way to kick off the week. Sundays growing up for me were always homework days. It’s the day where I reset; I get back down to the grind and it gets me ready for the rest of the week. I also just believe that it’s fun to learn something new so that you can share it with your classmates or your colleagues Monday morning. (TBH Yow Yow! started that way anyways!)

I watched this video of Lauren Singer and learned from Vox that she has basically collected only 4 years of trash in this jar. Today, I threw out one full bag of trash and one bag of recycling and gave myself a pat on the back. Now I feel like a dummy because Lauren is kicking our butts! There are many things I wish I could improve in my life – one of which, is being more sustainable. The thing is, it isn’t that hard even if you do little things like not using plastic water bottles anymore, composting, bringing in your own reusable mug for your local barista every day. See? I can list off these things, but easier said than done or just… plain lazy. We may not be able to wake up tomorrow being a changed person right away, but we can take baby steps right? We just have to follow in the footsteps of Lauren Singer basically.
