All posts in: Marketing

25 Jul 2013

Blog Roundup

photo cred | Jonathan Cooper

-Seattle was named the hardest working city today in the United States. [Source]

-Even though they are our exes, they’re still alive when it comes to social media and technology [Source]

-An interview with Girl Talk’s Gregg Gillis before Capitol Hill Block Party this weekend. [Source]

-Men get self-conscious too, you know? They’re now injecting fat into their butts so that they can keep their pants up! [Source]

-Google gives back to San Francisco by paying $600k to give 31 parks in the city free Wi-Fi. [Source]

-A note on marketing and how Warby Parker gets called the “Ryan Gosling of brands at the moment.” [Source]

Time Waster! The News IQ Test. I may read blogs every day, but when it comes to news, I’ll admit that I’m not at the top of my game. I answered 6/13 questions correctly. That’s embarrassing. Curious to see how well you’d do? Click here to start the test.

-“They say you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Wouldn’t it make sense to intentionally surround yourself with people of great character and influence?” [Source]

19 Oct 2012

Blast Radius


A marketing/advertising agency based out of Vancouver BC recently unveiled their new creative reel. What an awesome way to promote their clients and themselves!

18 Oct 2010

Internet Defined By My Marketing Textbook

It’s interesting to read the definition of the internet. At the same time, I find it useful because I am sure that if I had to explain it to someone, I wouldn’t do as good of a job.

A vast public web of computer networks that connects users of all types all around the world to each other and to an amazingly large information repository.

Amazingly? Really?

Followed by the definition were a few stats that I am sure are inaccurate today. The book, however, was published not too long ago.

“…Internet users worldwide now stands at more than 1.4 billion, 58 percent of American adults check their e-mail, 49 percent Google, 19 percent use Facebook or Linked In and 16 percent use sites like YouTube.

Are you ready for the best part?

“And by 2020, many experts believe, the Internet will be accessed primarily via a mobile device operated by voice, touch, and even though or “mind-controlled human-computer interaction.”

Um. Okay.

Source: Marketing: An Introduction