All posts in: NARS

01 Jun 2015

Beauty for Breakfast Pt. 21

I’m happy to finally announce that I made my first lipstick purchase. EVER. You’re all probably wondering why it took so long for me to finally take the plunge. The truth is, I tried lipstick when I was like six years old and absolutely hated it. I thought it made my lips feel like they weren’t mine anymore and it felt so foreign to me. What did that really mean for the rest of my journey in beauty? I stuck to lip gloss, lip balms, and my everyday use of vaseline. I’ve been feeling a little bit adventurous lately though and even though lipstick was something that I didn’t like back then, I feel like it’s in some way a sign of adulthood or even just womanhood. While following someone who does social media for NARS Cosmetics the other day, I saw a shade that I really liked. It had enough color in it to look like lipstick, but was natural enough to not make me feel overdone during a normal work day. I went to Nordstrom, tried it once, decided I was going to buy it and had it shipped to my office. Yes, I am that person who is totally convinced that I need to own the things I see on Instagram. It’s going to be a dangerous road for me.

NARS Audacious Lipstick in Barbara – $32