All posts in: Nerds

20 Apr 2012

{Guest Post} By Andrea Augustinas

Embrace Your Inner Nerd

If you know me you know I’m not someone who pretends to have a lot of advice or wisdom to dispense, but in my travels I’ve cultivated one nugget of pseudo-wisdom:  one surefire way to help yourself “make it” in the “real world” is something I like to call embracing your inner nerd.  And no, I don’t mean buying yourself a pair of coke bottle glasses or quoting obscure books at your friends (trust me, it’s not charming).   I’m talking about immersing yourself in something(s) you love that most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about, making yourself knowledgeable, and letting your enjoyment of those things impact your life.

Nerds care about what matters and value people for who they are.  It’s a major misconception that you have to be intelligent to be a nerd.  Not so.  I would probably fail an 8th grade science test, yet I’m as sincere a nerd as they come.  Because that’s what counts with nerds—sincerity.  It doesn’t matter if we’re interested in the same things; if I can see you’re genuine in what you care about and it’s close to your heart, I respect that.  I have a friend who’s obsessed with all things Disney, another who unabashedly loves Sailor Moon, and even a friend who loses her mind over shows like Pretty Little Liars (hint: she runs this blog), and even though those things aren’t my particular cup of tea, those people are important to me because I value people who really, truly care about things.  If any of these people, hearing me mock something they love (and despite my nerd-solidarity I tend to do this), said “No, you’re right, it’s dumb,” I would instantly lose some respect for them.  I find that generally, people who can’t be sincere about something as simple as their interests will rarely be sincere in their relationships.

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09 Oct 2011

Nerds Just Want to Express Themselves Too

I love nerds. I love nerd boyfriends. I love these graphic posters of nerds expressing their love. Nicole Martinez, a Boston art director and graphic designer is allowing nerds everywhere to vom out their feelings in the only way they know how – adorably, intelligently and scientifically. Cause…you know, they’re good at all that stuff.

“My boyfriend and I came up with the phrase ‘nerdy dirty’ a while ago because we would say such nerdy things when we were trying to be romantic,” Martinez explained.

For more cuteness, click here. If you’re going to make a purchase, visit her Etsy page.

27 Sep 2011

Timeline of Favorite High School Nerds

Everyone thank Veronica for sharing this infographic with me today! It’s a timeline of your favorite high school nerds in film. Did your favorites make the cut? Check it out here in full.