All posts in: Room For Squares

20 Aug 2016

What We’re Listening to This Weekend:


You guys, I have so few weekends left to myself until I’m traveling on the road for work so this weekend is one that I’m looking forward to having ALL TO MYSELF! Last night, we raged pretty hard for Manan’s birthday so for now I’m just using this as an excuse for me to be not capable of doing anything else Saturday/Sunday except for catching up on work and spending Q. time with Yow Yow! The other day, I had this craving to listen to all of my favorite early John Mayer albums. I’d forgotten just how good they were. #blessed that Kevin introduced me to JM so long ago when I was just 9 years old and listening to Inside Wants Out for the first time. It was so good that we’re going to do the same thing this weekend that we did earlier in the week and listen to it over and over again. I wish we could go back to getting music like this from him. Today, we’re sharing Room For Squares because it’s one of the few albums in which I love every single track. There are very few albums in the world that do that for me.

Enjoy y’all!