All posts in: Rutgers

03 Apr 2011

Snooki Encourages Rutgers’ undergrads to “Study hard, but party harder.”

A few days ago, Snooki was invited to Rutgers’ campus to give a lecture to the students and was paid $32,000 for the gig. What I would do for a job like that… The reality star gave a talk about the “Jersey Shore lifestyle” with a list of topics that included tanning, GTL, parties, and hairstyles (because it so educational right?) The university, however, has made it clear that this was not an event that they endorsed themselves. Instead, it was coordinated by the entertainment council of Rutgers run entirely by students.

If Snooki were ever a guest speaker on our campus, there is no way I would pass that up.


01 Oct 2010

When in Doubt, Trust Ellen


By now, I’m sure all of you have heard about the tragic story of one college student from Rutgers. I don’t want to spend too much time on this post, but I felt like even I needed to address it. All I ask is that you  just listen.

We spend too much time talking – talking about things we don’t know about – talking and not understanding, but now it’s time to listen. Think before you speak and think even longer before you act. I know that I’m not the only one here that feels tired and even drained by hearing about these stories. As teenagers, we are all still trying to figure out who we are and exploring our personal identity. For others to become a barrier between that is wrong.

Everyday 14 teenagers will take their lives.

Remember that everyone needs a little support here and there and the more you give the better off we will be. We don’t have to let this happen anymore.