All posts in: Smart Water

27 Aug 2010

The day I met the duo behind Shipley & Halmos

Today, New York based designers Sam Shipley and Jeff Halmos of Shipley & Halmos came to the downtown Seattle Barneys location to shoot photos for an upcoming book to be published in November. The “Fill in the Blank” tour has given both Shipley and Halmos the opportunity to travel to 13 Barneys’ locations across the country to snap photos of what the people are wearing in their respective cities. I became interested in the project after hearing about it a couple weeks ago and thought that I would bring Jeanette down with me to the impromptu photo shoot being done right in the middle of the store.

Before we got in front of the camera, they had us fill out a sheet of paper with various questions such as “What is your favorite bone?” and “Name an animal in the zoo.” It was supposed to resemble a mini mad lib, but they didn’t give us too much information on it just that it would be included in the book that they would be publishing. In my conversation with Jeff Halmos, I learned that they have taken over a thousand photos at each of the 13 locations. They’re going to have to spend a lot of time on editing to pick the best photos, but when the process is all done, they will have a book available at every Barneys location. There will also be a website with all of the photos published online even for those that don’t make it into the book.

How do I feel about the whole experience? GREAT. I’m so glad that Sam and Jeff are taking the time with their project to showcase street style. Street style these days has become overly exaggerated by sites like chictopia and and even by some bloggers. I used to be a huge fan, but when I peruse through the pictures now, I’m  noticing that some of these outfits are not wearable. You wouldn’t really wear that outfit in public. It’s easy to take a picture of you in it at your home or something because it’s convenient and you have the time to style it slash pile on a million accessories and layers, but you’re only wearing it for the picture. You don’t have to actually walk around town to either school or work in that outfit.

With that being said, I will definitely be trying to get in contact with both Sam and Jeff in the near future to learn more about their plans for their upcoming collections and grab some more dirt on that book! Also after the less than one minute photo shoot, they provided all of us with Smart Water and Trophy Cupcakes. I was a happy girl.