All posts in: Subpop Records

01 Dec 2010

Michael Cera IS Mister Heavenly

Subpop Records in Seattle recently signed Mister Heavenly, a band that apparently no one has ever heard of. I didn’t have much time to research them when the news hit yesterday, but this new blog post from The Stranger’s Line Out definitely got my attention.

Earlier this evening, Mister Heavenly opened for Passion Pit at the Moore Theater and will continue touring with the band for the next ten days. The band is made up of Nick Diamonds, (Islands/Unicorns) Honus Honus, (Man Man) and Joe Plummer (Modest Mouse). Cut to tonight’s performance, the audience found Mr. Dreamboat Michael Cera playing bass on stage!


First of all, can we just take a second to appreciate the names of the band members. If I were unfamiliar with them at all, I would’ve thought that the band was going to be a big secret featuring all-star players. In a way, it kind of is. MICHAEL CERA. I can’t get over it, sorry.