All posts in: Thanksgiving

13 Nov 2013

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving


For as long as I have known, the month of November has always been a busy time for me. When I was in school, I was dealing with midterms. Post grad, I was busy recruiting before the holidays actually hit when things would slow down a bit. Coincidentally, it’s the month that I always get sick in because my focus is directed elsewhere and not towards myself or things that I should focus on. While, Thanksgiving is a holiday that is full of meals and catching up with family and friends, I typically tend to view it as a reflective period. It allows me to put on the brakes and re-evaluate my current life situation. Whoa – are we getting kind of deep here on Yow Yow?! Yes, but for good reason. In my life and in my work, I grew up believing that everything happens for a reason and that every person that comes into your life is for a purpose. I made a note on my list of things to do months ago to remind myself to contact my favorite teacher from high school. The note remains and as time went on, more notes continued to be added to that pad until I made other tasks my priorities and could no longer find that original note that I had written. It wasn’t until a student from my former high school crossed paths with me just a couple weeks ago that sparked some action in me and I finally made contact with my former teacher. I don’t think I would have ever sent that email had I not had that interaction with the student. When we graduate from high school or from college, I’m sure teachers and professors naturally believe they may never hear from their students ever again and it’s a sad fact isn’t it? Because they are some of the greatest influences that we will ever have and when the year ends or we graduate, that gets lost. Education has been something near and dear to my heart since the beginning. I speak about it openly on Yow Yow! often and I happen to work for a company whose mission is to grow and promote it. It was ironic that I ended up here because I never thought that I would so it was fitting for me to go back and thank the individual that inspired this path without both of us even knowing.

Readers, in this day and age it is difficult to disconnect. Nobody feels it harder than I do. Disconnect from the fluff on the internet that doesn’t matter and instead  use technology for something greater and reconnect with someone that deserves a “thank you.”

25 Nov 2012

Thought Catalog Roundup

22 Nov 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!


From Yow Yow! to all of you…

Happy Thanksgiving Y’all!!

Also…BRB Eating

all. day. long.

27 Nov 2011

Oh We’re At School Again

Oh hi, this is what I spent my entire Thanksgiving break doing! So after that nostalgic post last night, I tore up my entire room to pull out my senior year yearbook. I spent an entire hour reading that thing and feeling slightly old knowing that my 10 year reunion is just six years away. That seems kind of far away when you type it out, but the past four years have just flown by. It’s incredible to see how much things have changed and how much hasn’t changed at all.

Well I’ve got just one more week left of school work and then it’s a month of break for me!

My home smells like apple cider. That’s pretty much the highlight of today. Good luck on finals everyone!

27 Nov 2011

The 10 Things I Learned Over Thanksgiving Break

  1. For a few days, don’t count the calories. Don’t run to the scale to check your weight or run to the toilet. Just keep eating. Eat when you feel like it. Eat at your own moderation. It’s the holidays, okay?! I give you permission to nomz – seriously – you can’t let that food go to waste.
  2. Enjoy the time with your family. Tell them you love them and laugh when they tell you the silliest jokes at breakfast time regarding your mother’s closet space when you feel like rolling your eyes a little. Really – you’re just rolling your eyes out of love.
  3. I did not miss a thing out of not going to Black Friday.
  4. Bombay Bicycle Club album, “A Different Kind of Fix” is absolutely beautiful.
  5. I need to do a better job at seeing my friends. I thought I would be able to get around to everyone this time and I didn’t and I feel awful, but for those that I did get to spend time with – I am so grateful.
  6. Have an adventure. It’s totally worth it.
  7. Every time the holidays come around, I always find posts from other blogs that are similarly titled, “The (insert number here) types of people you will run into from high school.” It’s always silly things like “the one that won’t leave you alone,” “the creeper that is still the creeper, “the one that looks nothing like they did in high school.” I don’t come across these types of people, but I don’t think anyone will argue with me when I say that run-ins with people from your past can potentially be awkward. Anyone ever see Just Friends, Garden State or will see the new Charlize Theron movie Young Adult? Last night, I found myself at a party with a ton of people from my high school and you know what? It wasn’t weird. It was actually kind of refreshing and exciting even though I wish I had looked a lot better than I did. This kind of event happens once a year for me and maybe it’s a little bit uncomfortable at first, but for the most part – they are all great people. I’ve found that I care about what they are up to now and I like hearing about the news they have in their life. It’s nice to share stories and see how everyone is doing after a few years. So even though I thought I was going to secretly hate it – I kind of loved it and I’m glad to hear that everyone’s doing well.
  8. I basically have one more week of school and then I’m on break. Well, I’m just the luckiest girl right now basically.
  9. I don’t know how to make an inspiration board.
  10. I am choosing to give away a somewhat sentimental gift to a white elephant exchange for my workplace’s Christmas party. I hope whoever gets it likes it, but it doesn’t top my vintage Mandy Moore cassette tape I gave last year.
24 Nov 2011

Why Skipping Black Friday Might Be A Good Idea

For many stores across America, Black Friday will be starting at midnight – 2 and 1/2 hours from now. I’ll admit that for some time this week I really wanted to make my way out to Urban Outfitters‘ “50% off all sale stuff sale” – actually I think I was supposed to go with Alyssa, but we never officially set those plans. Sorry girl! I mean, that’s a pretty great sale, isn’t it? Then I remembered that Sokina went to it last year and said that it was an absolute nightmare. Maybe I’m saving myself the stress from missing it. Skipping Black Friday is a good idea because I can…

  • watch A Very Gaga Thanksgiving – which starts now
  • sleep in tomorrow morning
  • eat…some more
  • avoid long lines
  • avoid seeing people from my high school at the mall
  • not be distracted by shirtless men at Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister
  • still watch my late night television
  • buy stuff online the next day in the comfort of my own home
  • avoid being trampled and stomped on by crazed shoppers
  • avoid buying stuff I won’t need
24 Nov 2011

Happy Holidaze

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I hope you have a wonderful day full of family, friends, love and of course – food. Today, I am thankful for all of those things plus Mayer Hawthorne’s halftime show today during the Detroit game! Yeeee!

But seriously, have a great time – stay safe!

22 Nov 2011

Where Will You Be On Black Friday?

– Is this not the best thing you have ever heard?!

To see if this special is available at your nearby Urban Outfitters store, click here.

Blackbird/Field House Apothecary

Mention Black Friday and receive 20% off of full-priced merchandise.

Microsoft Store

The first 100 customers who spend $50+ will earn themselves free speakers for MP3 players and phones valued at $30.


Dresses at $5

Sweaters at $5

Outerwear at $20

Pants at $10

The first 100 people in line will receive a scratch card valued up to $300. Stores open at 5AM!


The Black Fiveday Sale starts tomorrow Wednesday, Nov 23rd. (excluding Thanksgiving day) All merchandise is between 10%-%50 off only in US stores.


Anthropologie’s Now or Later deal offers you 25% off sale items right now and 50% all sale items on Black Friday during select hours. This deal is for both in-store and online. Learn more here.

For more Seattle deals, click here.

Other deals – – > 1

Updates added as I hear about them!

21 Nov 2011

21 Things To Be Thankful For This Year

I’m definitely a holiday person. Even though I don’t show it, nothing makes me happier than spending more time with my family and friends so with that, here are the 21 things I am thankful for this year.

  1. My family for having the tolerance and patience to keep up with me
  2. My best friends who will listen to my one-minute rants wherever and whenever I feel like having one and making the distance we are from each other seem so much closer.
  3. Being 21.
  4. Being a senior and in my last year of college wowweewow!
  5. My co-workers – the monsters, the back office and Taylor.
  6. Community
  7. Yogurtland on Capitol Hill
  8. My television and my favorite late night television shows – but really just Jimmy Fallon.
  9. Endless possibilities and the entire world in front of me right now
  10. My education and everything I have learned both in and out of the classroom
  11. Utilizing the meal plan
  12. That I’m growing up and that, for me, is really exciting
  13. For this blog and all of the followers and readers that let me know that I am writing to someone.
  14. For dinner parties and sharing meals with my friends
  15. Spotify and not Turntable
  16. That I get to enjoy the benefits that I’ve worked so hard for
  17. Boo. That adorable little pup.
  18. My favorite blogs Ohnotheydidnt, Doobybrain, BuzzFeed, The Frisky, Flavorwire, Refinery 29 and many more blogs that I read on a daily basis that keep me entertained and provide me with material and inspiration
  19. Food on Capitol Hill that is always a hop and a skip away
  20. A walk in closet at age 20.
  21. Great company. I’m surrounded by incredible people every day who continue to amaze me with their knowledge, talent, and passion for everything in life.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!