All posts in: The Panic in Central Park

06 Apr 2016

“The Panic in Central Park”

We have to talk about this episode, okay? Since it aired last last Sunday, I’ve already watched it six times. I sort of lost interest in “Girls” a couple of seasons ago – pretty muuuuch since Charlie left. However, in the interest of making a promise to myself that I would finish things I started, I was slowly getting caught up. On Monday after this episode aired, Jennie texted me to ask if I had watched this yet. I told her “no,” but I started becoming curious. Why was this episode so important? Was she saying this because she knows about how much I love Charlie? On my Twitter feed, a girl I knew called this “the best episode in the entire series.”

The friend who was catching up on Girls with me made me promise we would start the last season together so instead I decided to read articles on the episode which led me to bypassing the rest of this series and watching this ENTIRE episode.

So why is “The Panic in Central Park” important?

First off, Charlie. If you don’t want to be spoiled, stop reading here.

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