All posts in: Transportation

28 Mar 2013

How Riding Your Bike Could Earn You Rewards

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Cafes in Brazil are offering up some pretty great rewards for those who choose to ride their bikes to them instead of driving. If you show up on you bike, you could earn yourself a free meal or a free beer. Hi, sounds GREAT to me. When can this be implemented in the states? Also, then I can re-teach myself how to ride a bike again. This is a fantastic way for the city to become more conscious and to promote a mode of transportation that benefits everyone. Read more on how Brazil is implementing this idea here.

05 Mar 2010

The Commuting Chart

The people over at The Infrastructurist have created this cute little chart to show the percentage of how people commute to work whether it is driving themselves, car pooling, biking, etc. I suppose this puts everything into more perspective and with the purpose to show others how conscious we should be.


03 Dec 2009

Sidecar Action

The other day after leaving class, my dear friend Travis was telling me how he wanted to purchase a motorcycle. I told him that if he bought a motorcycle that he would have to purchase one with a sidecar so I would be right there next to him!

Today, I found the solution to our problem: